Wholesale! 100PCS Document Brown Envelope Advance 150# Thick Short / Long

is recommended #1

Top 10 Best Brown Envelopes 2024

Options considered: 40

Country: Philippines

Last updated: June 2024

Ranking criteria: value for money, customer reviews, popularity, brand trustworthiness

No time to read? Just looking for #1 recommendation?

As usual, this month we aggregated dozens of popular Brown Envelopes in the Philippines and ranked them based on value for money, customer reviews, popularity, brand trustworthiness. According to this June's formal ranking, brown envelopes by National Bookstore are the most prominent ones, followed by ADVANCE and OfficeMax .

ReviewFinder may earn commission at no extra cost to you. Commission amount is not a factor in ranking products.

Top 10 this June

Each Order contains 100pcs of Brown Envelope

150# thick

Advance Brand

perfect for filing of office materials, for school projects and for other personal and office use

Size is Short and Long

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Price breakdown of best-selling brown envelopes in the Philippines

We made a price chart of the top selling Brown Envelopes (see below). Budget options start at ₱9, going up ₱350. The most popular option is priced at ₱165, which is on the pricier side.

₱9 ₱58 ₱350

Mutiple Uses: Great for mailing Holiday Cards, Greeting Cards, Invitations, Announcements, Cards, Photos, Letters, Personal Mail and Direct Mail

Size: Long (10 x 15 INCHES)

Stores all kinds of docume... show more

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Made of pulp paper with a special Golden Kraft color. Approx. 140gsm, it can hold up to 100 sheets of paper

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Classic flap envelopes are made with natural Brown recycled fibers, designed to give each envelope a sleeker and more elegant feel

MULTIPLE USES: Great for mailing Holiday Cards, Greeting Cards, Invit... show more

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How we rank

Meta-rankings combine expert endorsements.

ReviewFinder's formal aggregated ranking is a combination of our meta-rankings and consumer score.

Meta-rankings are a combination of all expert reviews we can find on the Internet. When present, meta-rankings are the strongest ranking signal (we trust experts more than consumers).

Consumer score is calculated from customer reviews.

Not all categories have enough expert endorsements online - in such cases we use consumer score weighted by historical brand prominence in the niche (brands that historically specialize in a certain category get a slight bump in that category rankings). Consumer score is a normalized 0-10 score based on customer reviews.

Recently we removed price form our rankings - it no longer affects recommendations. Whether to go budget or premium is consumer's choice, not ours.


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50 pcs in a pack

for report cards

Ideal for packing thin or small items such as masks, pens etc.

Brown Envelope 6" x 9"

Keep small items like loose coins and payroll in these durable envelop... show more

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Made of Kraft paper perfectly designed to contain flat objects that can be used in school, office & business for repository of important documents/file.

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Basic price distribution of top ranked brown envelopes in the Philippines

As can be seen below, top ranked brown envelopes in the Philippines start at roughly ₱9 and go up to ₱350. Median price is ₱58.

₱9 ₱350

More detailed price comparison chart is above.

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