GLANXI Smart Robot Vacuum Cleaner for Pet Owners

is recommended #1

Top 10 Best Robotic Vacuum Cleaners 2024

Options considered: 40

Country: Philippines

Last updated: May 2024

Ranking criteria: battery life, navigation and mapping capabilities, noise level, durability and build quality

Buyer's remorse summary: the most common issues that customers have with their Robotic Vacuum Cleaners are typically related to Navigation and mapping difficulties , Performance on different surfaces , Maintenance and upkeep and Battery life and charging issues .

We compiled the list of the most popular Robotic Vacuum Cleaners of 2024 that have received the fewest complaints in these categories.

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Best for most
GLANXI Smart Robot Vacuum Cleaner for Pet Owners

GLANXI Smart Robot Vacuum Cleaner for Pet Owners

Japanese WiFi Remote Robotic Vacuum Cleaner with Powerful Suction

Japanese WiFi Remote Robotic Vacuum Cleaner with Powerful Suction

5in1 Smart Robot Vacuum Cleaner by Brand - Automatic Cleaning

5in1 Smart Robot Vacuum Cleaner by Brand - Automatic Cleaning

Budget option
ES250 Robot Vacuum Cleaner - Powerful and Intelligent Cleaning Machine

ES250 Robot Vacuum Cleaner - Powerful and Intelligent Cleaning Machine



This smart robot vacuum cleaner is perfect for pet owners, with its strong suction power and ability... read more


This Japanese robotic vacuum cleaner with WiFi remote control offers powerful suction for cleaning h... read more


This 5in1 smart robot vacuum cleaner offers automatic cleaning with powerful suction, multiple clean... read more


This robot vacuum cleaner offers powerful suction and intelligent cleaning capabilities, making it a... read more

Great because

Why we recommend it

  • Smart automatic robot vacuum cleaner
  • Rechargeable for convenient use
  • Specifically designed for pet owners to effectively clean pet hair
  • expand 12 more

Why we recommend it

  • Japanese WiFi Remote intelligent vacuum cleaner
  • Robotic Vacuum Cleaner with Powerful Suction
  • Suitable for Hard Floors and Carpets
  • expand 3 more

Why we recommend it

  • Smart sensors for anti-collision and anti-drop protection
  • Strong suction power with effective side brushes
  • Multiple cleaning modes for versatile use
  • expand 2 more

Why we recommend it

  • Powerful suction for effective cleaning
  • Intelligent navigation system for efficient cleaning
  • Suitable for hard floors and thin carpets
  • expand 4 more
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As usual, this month we aggregated dozens of popular Robotic Vacuum Cleaners in the Philippines and ranked them based on battery life, navigation and mapping capabilities, noise level, durability and build quality. According to this May's formal ranking, robotic vacuum cleaners by GLANXI are the most prominent ones, followed by OEM and Xiaomi .

ReviewFinder may earn commission at no extra cost to you. Commission amount is not a factor in ranking products.

Top 10 this May

Price breakdown of best-selling robotic vacuum cleaners in the Philippines

We made a price chart of the top selling Robotic Vacuum Cleaners (see below). Budget options start at ₱228, going up ₱9800. The most popular option is priced at ₱1870, which is on the pricier side.

₱228 ₱500 ₱9800

The Monstermarketing Bowai Robot Vacuum Cleaner is an upgraded automatic cleaning solution that combines strong suction power with super quiet operation. With its 2019 upgraded deep cleaning technology, this vacuum cleaner offers improved obstacle climbing and extended battery life of up to 100 minutes, ensuring a thorough clean every time.

The vacuum suction of up to 1800Pa allows for effective removal of dirt and debris from various surfaces. Equipped with a one-touch go feature, this wireless robot vacuum cleaner effortlessly cleans tile, hardwood floors, and rugs with just a single touch.

Its anti-fall cliff sensor detects gaps and prevents the robot from climbing stairs or falling off edges for added safety. Ideal for households with allergies or pets, the Bowai Robot Vacuum Cleaner features a HEPA filter that keeps the air pure by trapping fine dust particles inside the dustbin.

Unlike units with rotating under brushes, this vacuum cleaner has a brushless design along with powerful suction that doesn't clog easily even when dealing with pet hair. Thanks to its low profile design measuring only 2.

9 inches in height, this electric vacuum robot can easily navigate through any room and fit under furniture such as couches or beds for comprehensive cleaning coverage. The dual rotating brushes extend the reach of the vacuum cleaner while effectively capturing dirt and debris in corners and on hard wood floors.

With its advanced features and efficient performance, the Monstermarketing Bowai Robot Vacuum Cleaner is an excellent choice for those seeking hassle-free automated cleaning without compromising on power or noise level.

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How we rank

Meta-rankings combine expert endorsements.

ReviewFinder's formal aggregated ranking is a combination of our meta-rankings and consumer score.

Meta-rankings are a combination of all expert reviews we can find on the Internet. When present, meta-rankings are the strongest ranking signal (we trust experts more than consumers).

Consumer score is calculated from customer reviews.

Not all categories have enough expert endorsements online - in such cases we use consumer score weighted by historical brand prominence in the niche (brands that historically specialize in a certain category get a slight bump in that category rankings). Consumer score is a normalized 0-10 score based on customer reviews.

Recently we removed price form our rankings - it no longer affects recommendations. Whether to go budget or premium is consumer's choice, not ours.

The Japanese Automat Robot Vacuum Cleaner by Solbac is a highly advanced cleaning device designed to make your life easier. With its state-of-the-art technology and innovative features, this robot vacuum cleaner takes care of all your floor cleaning needs.

Equipped with powerful suction capabilities, this vacuum cleaner effectively removes dirt, pet hair, and debris from various surfaces including carpets, tiles, and marble floors. It effortlessly glides across the floor while sucking up all the dust particles in its path.

In addition to its excellent cleaning performance, this robot vacuum cleaner also offers sterilization capabilities. It helps eliminate germs and bacteria from your floors, ensuring a clean and hygienic living environment for you and your family.

Thanks to its intelligent navigation system, this robot vacuum cleaner can easily maneuver around furniture and obstacles without getting stuck. It efficiently maps out the area it needs to clean and optimizes its route for maximum efficiency.

With its user-friendly interface and easy-to-use controls, operating this robot vacuum cleaner is a breeze. You can schedule cleaning sessions according to your preferences or simply let it do its job with just the push of a button.

Overall, the Japanese Automat Robot Vacuum Cleaner by Solbac is an exceptional cleaning device that combines convenience with cutting-edge technology. Its impressive features ensure thorough cleaning on different surfaces while providing added benefits such as sterilization.

If you're looking for an efficient way to keep your floors spotless without any hassle or effort on your part – look no further than this reliable robot vacuum cleaner.

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The IntelliSweep 3-in-1 Robot Vacuum is a highly efficient cleaner designed for both home and office use. This automatic sweeping robot offers a range of features to ensure thorough cleaning without any hassle.

Equipped with smart and intelligent technology, this vacuum is able to sense its surroundings and move accordingly, avoiding obstacles effortlessly. It can clean various types of floors, including wooden floors, tiles, and marble, making it suitable for all kinds of spaces.

With its multiple high-efficiency filtration systems, the IntelliSweep Robot Vacuum ensures that dust and debris are effectively captured, leaving your space clean and fresh. It is capable of removing hair, stains, dust particles as well as larger debris with ease.

Made from high-quality ABS material, this vacuum is not only durable but also resistant to fading. It operates at a low decibel level which makes it very quiet during operation - perfect for use even while sleeping.

The ultra-thin body design allows the vacuum to easily navigate under furniture such as sofas and beds. Its slim body also enables it to reach corners and blind spots that are typically hard to clean.

Featuring powerful suction capability along with an effective side brush mechanism,this robotic vacuum offers three-in-one functionality - sweeping,vacuuming,and mopping - saving you time on cleaning tasks.

Its easy-to-operate design allows for convenient removal of the trash can for cleaning or washing purposes. With a large capacity lithium battery,it provides long-lasting battery life ensuring continuous usage.

In conclusion,the IntelliSweep 3-in-1 Robot Vacuum Cleaner combines efficiency,durability,and convenience,making it an excellent choice for anyone seeking an effective home or office cleaning solution without any compromise in performance or quality.

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Basic price distribution of top ranked robotic vacuum cleaners in the Philippines

As can be seen below, top ranked robotic vacuum cleaners in the Philippines start at roughly ₱228 and go up to ₱9800. Median price is ₱500.

₱228 ₱9800

More detailed price comparison chart is above.

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What Are Robotic Vacuum Cleaners?

Did you watch the famous Will Smith movie I, Robot? That was one of my favorite movies then. When you think about Robotic Vacuum cleaners, do you think of those types of robots moving across your house here in the Philippines, sucking up all your dust and leaving your home sparkling clean?

I had those thoughts too.

A robotic vacuum cleaner is an autonomous electronic cleaner built with intelligent programming that helps with home vacuuming using a remote control or a phone application.  

The earlier versions of the robotic vacuum cleaners were not as technologically advanced as today in the Philippines. Still, they were right, improvements from the regular vacuum cleaners, you know. 

What started as Electrolux Tribolite in 1996 has evolved, since then, from a robot that couldn't detect bumps to those that can auto-clean the house if set properly. Robotic Vacuum cleaners have evolved fast. 

Why Do You Need A Robotic Vacuum Cleaner in The Philippine?

Suppose you're the type of person who grew up in the Philippines in the 80s. In that case, you might see robotic vacuum cleaners as an excuse for laziness. Well, it isn't. In the Philippines, house chores don't get any easier, especially when the house is big. 

The main reason why everyone in the Philippine needs a robotic vacuum cleaner is because it makes work easy! 

All you have to do is press a button or tap on a few butts on your phone's screen, and your house is cleaned to perfection. What's even better, you can program the robot to do the cleaning when you're not around and when the place is less congested. 

Who doesn't like easy work? I know that I do. 

Is this reason not good enough for you to get yourself a robotic Vacuum cleaner? 

There are other advantages of having a robotic vacuum cleaner in the Philippine. 

What are the advantages of Robotic Vacuum cleaners?

They are easy to Use: The number one advantage of Robotic Vacuum cleaners is that you can use it without understanding the machine's many intricacies. With the tap of a button, you can set the boundaries the Robot will vacuum, and go to sleep, assured that your house is being cleaned.

Also, with improvements in technology, you now have robotic vacuum cleaners that can self-regulate. If you are not available and have set the Robot to clean the house, it will stop working if, for example, the battery runs down. Then the Robot will charge itself. With the mapping technology, you can rest assured that your Robot isn't going to fall off the steps or bump into any furniture. 

Saves you loads of Time: The stress that comes with vacuuming can be quite much. With the robotic vacuum cleaner, you can do other things while the Robot sucks dust away. 

It is very efficient: Efficiency is paramount to every we do in the Philippines. We love to get this done and get them done right! 

New robotic vacuum cleaners are so smart that they can memorize your space, can recharge themselves even without your help. The robots can also dispose of the dirt that they've adequately cleaned. 

And oh, did I also mention that these robots can clean almost every floor you have? In the Philippine, we love to clean our homes, and different floor types, from hardwoods to carpeted floors. Robotic Vacuum cleaners will clean any floor; all you have to do is have the right robotic vacuum cleaner. 

Detects many Dirt levels: The beauty of a proper cleaning sees every type of dirt cleaned off the surface. Robotic vacuum cleaners can detect and clean a wide variety of dirt, even to the smallest speck of dust hiding under your dining table. 

Also, the sensors in these robot cleaners are so high that they can detect how much cleaning is needed in a house and go over the cleaning several times.

An excellent solution for the Elderly and Handicapped: For disabled people, robotic vacuum cleaners are the ideal solutions for their house cleaning needs. 

The robotic vacuum cleaner is hands-free and so can be used easily by those who are physically challenged. 

How do Robotic Vacuum cleaners work?

You might be wondering, "how do those round machines move around? How are they able to navigate a house without hitting the thick walls in a Philippine house? 

The answers you seek are here, and they are simple: The cleaners use two spinning brushes and one rolling brush. The brushes gather the dirt together to the middle of the robotic; the suction sucks up the dirt into the dirt container. 

But how do they know not to hit a wall? 

All the robotic vacuum cleaners we have today in the Philipines use robotic sensors to detect walls and other obstacles and do well to avoid the challenges. They have cliff sensors, optical encoders bump sensors, and wall sensors. 

Each of these sensors works differently. The wall sensors help the robot vacuum cleaner detect a wall. 

The cliff sensors help the robot measure the distance between its base and the floor it's cleaning. With the cliff sensor, the Robot can detect when it is getting close to a staircase. 

How would the Robot know? 

The distance between the Robot's base and the floor would increase, therefore alerting the Robot of a possible elevated or depressed ground. 

The bump sensors help the Robot detect when there is a bump to avoid it. And the optical encoders are those placed at the Robot's wheel that tells the Robot how far it has gone. 

Are RVC effective?

Now that you know the advantages of a Robotic Vacuum cleaner, how it works, the next question is, are these robots effective in cleaning my home? 

The answer is an emphatic yes; a robotic vacuum cleaner is useful in cleaning your home. 

Of course, different cleaners of varying prices exist – and they are pretty pricey. However, if you can afford the best robotic vacuum cleaners, you'll be grateful you bought them although expensive. Robotic Vacuum cleaners are very effective. 

Are Robotic Vacuum Cleaners worth it?

By now, if you have read this far, you already know the answer. Robotic vacuum cleaners are worth every penny you spend on them. 

Why are Robotic Vacuum cleaners Round?

You've probably thought, out of curiosity, "I see a lot of robotic vacuum cleaners here in the Philippines, and they are always round; why is that? Why can't the manufacturers of these cleaners be creative enough to design flower-shaped robotic vacuum cleaners? 

Robotic vacuum cleaners are round because they can meander through tight corners and clean them up. With an un-round cleaner, entering and getting out of tight corners will be challenging and may lead to the Robot's eventual damage. The un-round Robot will most likely get stuck in a corner. 

How Many Sensors do Robotic Vacuum cleaners have?

For the different robotic vacuum cleaners, there are different sensors. But in general, robotic vacuum cleaners have four primary sensors:

  • Wall censors: They are used to detect walls 
  • Bump sensors: use to detect bumps
  • Cliff sensors: Use to detect when the Robot moves towards a staircase or any elevated or depressed ground in the house.
  • Optical encoders: They are used to measure how much distance the Robot has covered while cleaning. 

What do you Consider before Buying a Robotic Vacuum Cleaner?

Before going to a store to buy a Robotic Vacuum Cleaner, there are a few things you need to consider. Some of these things include:

  • The surface of your house: The floor of your home, is it bare or carpeted? Do you have hardwoods or not? Knowing beforehand what type of flooring surface you have will help you select the best robotic vacuum cleaners for your home. You also need to consider other factors, such as the pets in your house. If you have a cat in the house, it means there will be a lot of cat litter. And if there are carpets in your home, that too is important. You wouldn't want to get a robotic vacuum cleaner that won't clean those cat furs properly. 
  • Your budget: The price of robotic vacuum cleaners varies with brands and quality. Know how much you have before going to a store in the Philippines to buy a robotic vacuum cleaner. 
  • How big your house is: The size of your home will determine so many of the features you'd be looking out for in a robotic vacuum cleaner. If you live in a small house here in the Philippines, you may go for vacuum cleaners with an average battery power of around one hour. But if your home is bigger and will require more extended periods to clean, you need a cleaner with a longer battery life. 

What Features What to should be Looked Out For When Getting A Robotic Vacuum Cleaner?

  • Sensor Technology: Unlike the robot vacuum cleaners of old, the Electrolux Tribolite, there were falling off staircases, bumping into furniture in the house, robot vacuum cleaners of these days have sensors. These sensors help the robots to navigate the home smoothly without hitting a table or falling off the staircase. 

Some robot vacuum cleaners have digital cameras and sensors that help them move around freely. 

There are different types of sensor technology today's robotic vacuum cleaners use. When you enter any electronic store in the Philippines, ask them for a robot vacuum cleaner that has either of the following sensor technology:

  1. Infrared sensors 
  2. Laser-guided scanners: these are the best type of sensors. The laser-guided scanners combine cameras, sensors, and virtual walls, helping the robot map out their cleaning environment. The sensors can also spot dirt, thereby making the cleaning thorough. 
  • Battery Life: You wouldn't want to get a robotic vacuum cleaner that stops working a few minutes into vacuuming. Check for the sensor's battery life to ensure that you have a robot vacuum cleaner that lasts long. 

In addition to the battery power of the Robot, check its charge time. There are different modes through which robot vacuum cleaners are charged. Many of these cleaners come with docking stations, which are their 'charging stations.' For the sophisticated cleaners, the Robot automatically returns to the docking station. 

  • The Control: Some robots have remote controls and others that use an app for their control. 
  • Dust capacity: This is a significant factor because it won't be funny if you have to empty the dirt the Robot has cleaned after every ten minutes. 

The Robot's dirt capacity is how much dirt it can suck up before the dirt would be disposed of. There are different dirt capacity for other robots, so be careful to look out for a big capacity. 

The average dirt capacity for a robotic vacuum cleaner is around 0.6litres. But you can get a robotic vacuum cleaner in the Philippines with a bigger dust capacity. 

  • Brush type: The type of brush a robotic vacuum cleaner has determined how well it cleans. Also, in selecting your Robot's brush, take into cognizance your floor type. Some brushes work best on hard floors, while some work well for carpets. 
  • The height of your Robot: There are small spaces in your house that you'll need the robots to clean. You will, therefore, need to consider how many spaces are under the furniture in your home. 
  • Cleaning modes
  • Replacement parts 
  • HEPA filtration 
  • If it has advanced scheduling features.  

What is the best Robotic Vacuum cleaner in The Philippines?

Xiaomi Roborock Robotic Vacuum Cleaner

One of the best Robotic Vacuum cleaners in the Philippines, the Xiaomi Roborock, has a longer battery life with a large dust capacity. This cleaner is s easy to sue, thanks to the quality of hands-free control. The mapping system of this cleaner is top-notch, all it needs is one cleaning, and it knows where to clean in your house. 


  • The wet and dry mopping features are superb
  • The battery charges pretty fast 
  • The mapping intelligence is great 
  • The price is worth it
  • The battery lasts well


  • It can't help clime elevated platforms 


A good robotic vacuum cleaner is a great electronic t have in the house. Robotic Vacuum Cleaners has so many advantages that it will be unfair on your home's carpets and floor if you don't get them. 

When you get your robotic vacuum cleaners, be on the watch out for the battery life, dust capacity, brush type, height, etc. 

Robotic vacuum cleaners are great investments in your home equipment.

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