How we rank products

Awesomeness score is our main ranking metric. It is a combo of current expert recommendations, customer reviews and popularity.

What does it mean for a product to be 'good'?
Typically a good product is one that is recommended by experts and has a lot of positive reviews from customers. We use a combination of these two factors to calculate the Awesomeness Score.

Awesomeness Score is our main ranking metric. It is used to generate the meta-rankings.

How is awesomeness score calculated?

Expert endorsements are given the highest weight in the Awesomeness Score calculation. These endorsements come from trusted experts in the industry, such as professional reviewers, influencers, or bloggers. Expert endorsements provide a more objective view of a product's strengths and weaknesses, as these experts often have access to products before they are widely available to the public. Additionally, experts may have specialized knowledge or experience that allows them to evaluate a product more critically.

Consumer Score is another factor that is used in the calculation of the Awesomeness Score. The Consumer Score is a metric that indicates how much customers like a product, and is calculated based on online reviews and sentiment analysis. By using consumer feedback, the Awesomeness Score can provide insight into how well a product is received by the broader customer base.

Product popularity is the third factor that is considered in the calculation of the Awesomeness Score. This metric takes into account the number of sales or views a product has received, as well as any social media buzz or trending activity related to the product. Popularity provides a measure of how well a product is performing in the market and how much attention it is receiving from potential customers.

By combining these three factors, the Awesomeness Score provides a more comprehensive view of product performance than any single metric could provide. It takes into account the opinions of experts, the broader customer base, and market performance.


It's important to note that each of these factors has its own limitations and biases. Expert endorsements may be influenced by personal biases or conflicts of interest, consumer reviews may not be representative of the broader customer base, and product popularity may not accurately reflect the quality or value of a product. Awesomeness score, being a combination of these metrics is more resilient to these biases and limitations, but not immune to them.

Additionally, if a user is interested in a particular metric (for example they want a budget product with high reviews), they can view sort and filter products by individual metrics, such as price, consumer score or popularity.